Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Open the curtains, Close the holes

Forgot to take the before shot before applying the silicon. During the renovation, there were many skirting that were removed due to wall hackings or installation of carpentries. Afterwards, they are placed back but due to the unevenness of the walls or floor, there may be gaps here and there. Did you know: the floors and walls are not as straight as you think. I have always thought they should be. Anyway, decided to take matters into my own hands by getting the silicon and applying myself. This was the last one I did, which was also the most perfect one after all the practices. Look good right?

Used this instead of the silicon gun because there weren't many gaps, but I still have to close them up because I couldn't stand the dusts that are accumulating inside them. However after applying, my ID told me that this is the cheaper one because it does not have some anti-algae capabilities. Ain't they all the same? Let's hope everything remains good. Else we can always pluck them out and change a new set.

We did our thorough clean up today, and hanged up all the curtains too. The track they provided were quite stiff for us to pull the curtains, but let's hope it loosen up after some uses. As of writing, it seemed to be better, but it could just be my mind.

The living room curtains are up too. There is no problem with this track because it is using the Dooya automated track! Have been enjoying opening the curtain automatically when we stepped into our house, and closing them automatically before leaving. Very satisfied with this investment. Can't wait for it to automatically close when our projector are switched on for our movie nights!

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