Sunday, July 3, 2016

Livolo Switches. Important Note.

Had a little issue recently when installing the Livolo switches. The original carpentry actually had a square cut out, but because we change the position of the switches on the last minute, they had to cut a new hole, but the hole was round. This would not have been an issue if it was an ordinary switch, but because it is a Livolo, the round one would not fit and would need to cut a bit of the edge to make it fit. A small issue nonetheless, and solved easily. Ideally it would be that we do not change the position last minute, but such problems would not be noticed until it is a problem.

Just to share some photos of the Livolo switches, together with the default house type on the right. They are the same size so one could always easily replace the default switches with the Livolo. They fit in the default switch boxes too so no worries about that. Don't the Livolo look so much classier? It is also not that expensive to order, and it is a great addition to my home automation system.

However, the behind section is slightly different, where the Livolo is slightly larger. It would still fit in the switch box, but things like an ad-hoc round cut into the carpentry would not fit this.

Another view of the back. Noticed the difference. The default one would have easily fitted into the round cutting. However this really does not calls for any concern if the holes were planned during the carpentry phase. Like I said, if they were planned, it would be a square hole instead of a round one.

The Livolo I got are Radio Frequency enabled, meaning to say they can be remotely control by a remote control like the one on the right, or a more advanced one that look like a TV remote. However, I have a bigger plan to incorporate all my switches into my home automation system so a small one would suffice in the meantime. A learning pointer on this which I unfortunately overlooked is that they are RF controlled and not IR controlled, meaning they do not require line-of-sight remote control. I had designed the electrical plan to have them placed within a line-of-sight, which may cause some other inconvenience instead. A hefty lesson because should I have found out earlier, could have significant changes to my electrical plans, reducing it quite a bit.

Would I recommend this? Yes. Definitely yes.


  1. hi, how do you link it with broadlink rm pro? any issues? I tried mine it doesnt seems to detect. thanks!

    1. 1.Select new button > 2.learn single > 3.learn > press the livolo remote near the broadlink rm pro to learn the code. If it does not learn, step 3 select swap frequency and learn to try again. So far we have been controlling all our lights from our phones. No problem at all! Hope this help!

    2. Thanks! I did the first step, it did "learn" but sometimes it trigger sometimes it doesn't. So wonder if is issue with my switch or broadlink pro.

    3. Hmm could the switches be too far away from the broadlink? Although it's RF and does not need line of sight, passing through too many walls does weaken the signals. Try a central area perhaps! Hope it works!
