Monday, July 11, 2016

Livolo instruction manual

The Livolo switches had been awesome so far, and we would still recommend it. It looked so classy and futuristic and in our opinion, much better than the stock switches. However, we had an experience and would like to share it so that you would not get the same panic as us.

We chanced upon this instruction after buying the Livolo switches. This was not found on the site which we bought, but since it was an instruction, we told our electrician about it. However, he did not turn off the power supply when installing it so we did not think too much on this. Anyway, so he screwed it in, and we attached the cover and there arise the problem. After we tap the button (to test it), it got jammed, as if someone is holding onto the button. We were like, oh no defect piece?! We tried to detach and attach again, and even tried our spare piece, and all had the same problem! We even tried to put some cupboard inside, thinking perhaps the sensor board was too close to the touchpad, causing the problem. But nope. problem persisted.

Luckily, it turns out, after attaching the cover, we just have to wait for about 2 minutes for it to 'settle down' and the switches can be toggled without any issues. It was such a relief when we finally discovered that, and were grateful that all our switches were in great condition and none were defective. I guess the 2 minutes in the instructions does mean something afterall.

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