Thursday, June 23, 2016

Recommendation - BTO Home Networking

Did you know, that all the telephone ports in the new BTOs are actually wired up with Cat 6 cables? However, they are so underutilized to be used as telephone ports because the Cat 6 cables are actually cables for Gibabit Ethernet, meaning you can actually use them for LAN connection. In layman's terms, it means can plug your computers or routers into the ports to get Ethernet without having to rewire the house up with all the ugly trucking. However, because they are installed with the telephone ports, you would need to change it to a LAN port. You would also need to do some changes to the access ports in the DB box, and that is where BTO Home Networking comes into the picture.

I had tried to get the prices from other people, where I ring up numbers from the leaflets in the lift or recommendations from my estate facebook page. Only after that did I give BTO Home Networking a text, and they beat all the prices quoted hands down. I even managed to get a cheaper rate than usual because they were having a promo of $10 discount for liking one of their associate facebook page. Sure, a like for $10? I'll take it!

The friendly guy came down on the next day (talk about efficiency) and was done in about 30min while having a good chatting session with me. He also labelled the DB box clearly so that we would need to trial and error to find the right ports next time. Anyway the right picture shows is dangling because my electrician have not installed the box for it, so it is left like this. However, I do not have another picture so this is all I got. Of course, such works could actually be DIY, where I am sure there are many guides online to teach you. If you are not as lazy as me, you could give it a go, but should you choose to let the professional handle it, you know who I am recommending.

Definitely recommended 5/5.
Reasonable price and high efficiency
Find them on Facebook.
Tip: look at the other results. Some people may comment on promotions they are having. That was how I saved ourselves $10. :)

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