Thursday, June 2, 2016

Carpentries III - Vanity Top and the largest addition

Good morning folks! Little hazy this morning but the view is still a kill to have.

Our oven is in place now. Can't wait to experience the freshly out of oven smell from our cakes and baked delicacies.

Our vanity top in the MBR is done. Have a little curvey style there because of the location of our door. Our toilet is now packed, but nevertheless cosy.

And our largest addition... the SOFA. It was supposed to be here last month, but we slided it back due to the delay in our renovation and carpentries. Much pain if this is dirtied from all the wood-dusts and dirts from the renovation. Had ordered this from JB after we fell in love on first sight. It was much longer in the showroom but we customised for a smaller one in view of our living room space. The picture may not show clearly but this is one deep-ass sofa so that we can always lie in it instead of having to sit up like any ordinary sofas. So much loves.

However we may be having a little issues with this sofa. Noticed the barn design drawers at the right? Hopefully the sofa could fit in the space behind all the way and does not hinder the drawers. Otherwise, we would have two useless drawers. No, the sofa is not going to go. There is too much love for it. The drawers space would have to go instead.

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