Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Plumbing Works - Ups and Downs

Lucky number 888! Just happened to saw this before writing my blog so took a screenshot. Not sure how many people are really reading this blog, but hopefully the post here would eventually benefit you all when it is your turn to renovate the house. The best way to learn is not by making mistakes, but by learning from others mistakes.

Installed our black tap. It was so fitting towards our black quartz and sink. Look and feel good. But, it was leaking water. Immediately called the shop up and they arranged a plumber to come down and see the next day. Meanwhile had to close the main water supply else the water is just flowing, and we were afraid it may flow to the cabinets and cause some water damage. Oh bother. Good news is that it was fixed eventually by changing a new one, so case closed.

Installed our 'designer' tap and sink too, though we didn't really feel anything special beside the price. The tap was alright, and so were the sink, although we felt that the plumber did not do a good job, and had put too much silicon at the drainer, causing there to have a puddle of water stagnant there always. On top of that, something terrible went wrong here, and it seem that it is too late to be rectified.

As you can see, the tap was installed a little too far away from the sink, resulting in the stream of water near the edge of the sink. It is really tough to wash our hands now, but because the holes were cut into the quartz top already, the position of them are hard to change. Our way out for this is to get another tap that has a longer 'nose' and hopefully solve this issue. The tap should be arriving in a fortnight. Lesson for this is to just have the tap touched the sink during the planning phase. There is really nothing wrong with that, but everything wrong if the tap is too far away.

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