Sunday, September 4, 2016

deL the builder, can he fixed it? Yes he can!

So, as mentioned in the previous post, we were having some issues with our tap being too close to the edge and its current is too low for comfort usage. The problem largely lies with the tap hole being drilled too far away from the sink, but given its short stout, we figure it would not make much difference either.

Nevertheless, we bought another one, at just a fraction of the designer tap cost. Again, practicality over aestheticality. Just a random purchase from Taobao, and have to say, we are rather amazed at the quality it packed. Definitely feel durable and lasting.

Just a side by side comparison on how much further away from the edge would the new tap be as compared to the old one.

We decided to take matters into our own hands to change it, and hubby actually did a great job at it! Although we faced some problems initially due to the lack of tools and properly-sized spanners, the tap was still fixed up nicely at the end of the day.

deL the builder... can he fixed it? deL the builder, yes he can!

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