Saturday, April 23, 2016

Splashes of Boldness

Painters are working hard today. Had quite a scare in the beginning when we saw hot pink color in the paint bucket. We quickly whipped out our phones and show them the desired color we want and repeatedly ask them to assure us that we will eventually get that tone of color. All we could do was wait and see....

All is well~ We were trying to achieve maroon tone for the house, which is one of the tougher colors to produce as it was a fine line between red and purple. This turns out perfect. The fiancee love it because it is her favourite color, and the fiance love it for the boldness and color splash! Yay!

Our bedroom was to be painted green because of fengshui matters. Initially we wanted the maroon for the room for the seductive romantic feel of the Scarlet Hotel but had to do away with it because the color was not appropriate according to the FSM. It was fortunate that we could do the maroonish in the living room so we were still happy about it. There is a thing about splashing one solid color on the wall. We like colors that stood out which gives the effect of BAMM, if you know how that feel haha.

Just an overview of the two bold colors together in one photo. We had our door frame painted black too and that had drastically improve the whole look of the house. Definitely recommended to paint your door frame black if it suits your theme.

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