Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Electrical, Cove, Aircon Pipes

The electrical wiring are mostly done.

The aircon piping are completed too. We would have to wait for the paint to be up before we could install the aircons. Our false ceiling is up too. Noticed the access panel in the middle of the room? Our ID was so thoughtful to think about having an access panel there so that we can easily access the power point which our projector is connected to. This allow us to troubleshoot any problems if any, or remove the cables and projector should it become faulty or it's time for an upgrade haha!

Got tempted by our ID to do a cove lighting. Originally we were firm with the decision of not having a cove lighting because of fear of breeding those icky insects in those spaces, and not to mention the huge amount of dust that will be collected at the top. However, after much considerations (of how often we shall clean the area) and many beautiful mood boards online, we decided to give it a go, and hopefully not regret it! We just have to be more diligent in placing mothballs and cleaning it up, right?

A glance at how the top of the cove look like. Honestly, this is not what we expected, and we may had reconsider against doing this should we have known that this is the outcome. The way this is done actually left too many gaps into the whole false ceiling, which is a potential breeding place which we are trying to avoid. Ideally, the section of the false ceiling should have been sealed off, so that the only area which may have the icky problem is just the external cove area, which could be easily cleaned away. How on earth are we going to clear the eggs if it is laid INSIDE the false ceiling. Let's just hope the effects is really worth it, and we do not have any icky eggy problems to deal with within the false ceiling. Otherwise, we will definitely advise against doing it.

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