Sunday, January 17, 2016

Meeting of ID Part 2

We have finally met up with every ID we had plan to meet up with! It has been a tiring journey, but this only marks the beginning of designing our new houses. We have shortlisted some, and are still awaiting for 2 more quotations to come back to us before we can make our final decision to pick the chosen one ID. Of course, my chosen one has and always will be my Mrs Bee. :D Anyway, just some updates to the IDs we met thus far:

1. JS from P Design: Met up with him again at his office/showroom this time where he introduced us the materials and designs and features they got. Impressive it is, according to Mrs Bee. After the introduction was the quotation. JS was the only ID who did not ask us about our budget. Not sure if he missed it out or he genuinely skipped it so that he will not compromise on the standards initially but oh well. Quotation came up to 50k which was high, way high, way way high above our limit. However, we really click well with his character, and admire his expertise, and noted that we are able to remove several items in the quotations that we did not really want to, and so, we are still KIV-ing JS despite the price. His service and design ideas are really top notch too, which is what we expected of an ID. Most of the other IDs are merely taking in our proposed plan wholesale and not giving any suggestions or ideas, which often make us wonder why are we hiring a more expensive ID instead of a contractor. Just need to discuss a little on the quotation again. :/

2. K from S Creation: Summary from previous post, negative experience, and definitely a no-no.

3. T from Piu Design: Hmm, was one of our top choices, but taking a backseat now. Met T for the revised quotation after our FSM changed the entire floorplan but is still slightly on the expensive side at about 45k, but he was not able to impress and stand out from the other IDs we have met. He did wow-ed us last time, but after meeting a couple more IDs, he seem more of an average ID now. Furthermore, he is only an designer, and if we were to sign with them, there will be another project manager that will be dealing as the middleman between us and the contractor. This felt weird from the beginning because we may not like the project manager at all and may have problems working with him, but will never know, until its too late. Adding to that, the lump sum quotation and the lack of suggestions did bring T to the back.

4. N from I-forgot-where: The first ID we met actually. Was not impressed at all when he turned up late 30min with no texts or call for our first meeting. Seriously, first impression is a key aspect! After the discussion, he sent us a proposed floor plan based on what we discussed and it was totally different from what we had talked about. Seriously? Nevertheless, we drew a proposed floor plan for him (who's the ID now?) and awaits for his quotation, which has been a week with no news. Hmm. Definitely a no-no.

5. WY from 9 Design: First meet up at our house yesterday. First impression however was not impressive, as he was just taking down notes on what we would like to do, and not suggesting anything yet. However, we are keeping an open mind for now, as the suggestion part may come later when he designed the floor plan for us. He is also confident in meeting our budget, hence we are KIV-ing him for now.

6. JL from I Design: First meet up with him this morning, and had a good experience. He is easy to talk to, and provided us with some suggestions along the way when we were describing the things we want. He understand that we are trying to meet our budget, and had offered many ideas to our plan but at a cheaper price. Depending on his quotation, he may be our top pick too. Looking forward to hearing from him again.

That's all we got so far. Hopefully the quotation comes fast, and we will be able to announce our chosen ID soon!

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