Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Lesson Learnt after Visiting IDs

It has been 20 days since we gotten the keys to our new house. We are still in the midst of deciding which ID to sign with, and have already shortlisted 3. The final battle is on, and we hope to be able to secure our ID by the end of this month.

As i was looking through all the quotations given by the IDs, it soon became frustration as I was unable to compare them in too many areas because each proposed design with each ID is different from the other. This was largely due to the IDs giving their suggestions on some matters, and we took them wholesale and added it into the quotations. Not that it is bad because it is not because that is what an ID is supposed to do, but it does make comparing a difficult task.

Hence lesson learnt and i hope to share with everyone is this: Decide on ONE design plan for the house, and stick with it no matter how inappropriate it is, or how great the idea from the several IDs may sound. JUST STICK WITH ONE PLAN. For the ideas from all the IDs, consolidate them and only share it with the final ID you have decided to sign up with. This way, every ID will quote based on the same design plan, making your job a lot easier if you are a calculative person like me. As you can roughly see from the picture above, it can be challenging comparing them if all the quotations are based on a different plan. Cheerios~

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