Monday, January 2, 2017

Thank you for all the loves and support!

We had a two-days housewarming party to commemorate the completion of our new home, and they were great turn outs. It also acts as a reunion moment where everyone could get together again and catch up like old times, although most of the time we were running around bringing people around the house. Looking ahead, we would hopefully continue to invite people to our house in smaller groups and really spend time to bond once again.

Our catered foods for our friends and families. We had spread it out into a two-days event where our friends came the first and our families and relatives came the second. It would have been too packed should everyone came on the same day. Also, the BTOs nowadys had such slim corridors that it was rather difficult to have a catering without blocking the other residents. Really felt fortunate that our neighbours are all easy-going and accommodating towards each other, and we really hope our relationship would continue to remain peaceful. Shall organise movie nights and invite them over!

Really really thank you to all the loves and supports from our families, relatives, friends, colleagues, neighbours, brothers and sisters. We are overwhelmed with your generosity and sincerity and blessings. You all have truly made our house a home, and we are very grateful for that! Your kind gestures are greatly appreciated!

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