Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Glimpse of the Projector

With the last touch up completed and the final payment settled, our renovations for the house has officially come to an end. It has been a long long journey, one that we are almost too embarrassed to talk about. The planned completion was in May 2017, but it was delayed for almost half a year. Many things happened along the way and we gained many learning pointers which would hopefully help us and anyone with any future houses renovation next time. It has been an eye-opening experience for us, setting up our little place called home. We are definitely glad that this is all over, although it only marks the beginning of our beautiful lives ahead in this nest....

And showcasing a glimpse of our home entertainment system right now. A whooping 150 inch screen punched into our wall to give us the feel of a movie theatre. Although we have some light leaked from the glaring afternoon sun in the middle of the day, which we would touch up soon, the projector did a fantastic job at providing us our shows and movies. This is our first time exploring the projector world instead of a regular television, and we have to say... we are definitely here to stay.

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