Sunday, March 13, 2016

Before Renovations

Been quiet for a while because BSC was rectifying our faults. There were a couple of dents, scratches, cracks, leakages, faulty parts that were all highlighted and fixed. Most of the defects were done up properly and the house is handed over back to my interior designer for the rest of the renovation. Things have been moving slowly, but we were in no rush either. The walls are going to be hacked down soon, so prior to that, this is some before photos of the house.

Our spacious living room. This would be the view that greet us everytime we step in through our main door. Loving the view more and more everytime i looked out of the window!

The wall that will soon feature my 140" projector screen. We had to downsize our projector a little from the previous 153" so that we can put some decorative shelves at the side.

An overview of our living room from another angle.

Our dining area. Gonna have some massive work here as we are planning for an open concept kitchen.

The kitchen. Am glad the kitchen does not have any awkward corners so we do not need to headache over it.

Our MBR. Looking small for now but the largest bulk of our renovation will be catered to our MBR. Shall not fill in too much details now so standby for the surprise!

Our MBR toilet. We are going to spend significant time in this cubicle too so we will be renovating it a little too to make it better.

Decided to take all this photos so that we can show a before-after picture at the end of the renovation. Just to see the journey we have been through from a bare room to a complete home. Cant wait till all this is over, but definitely enjoying the process as it goes!

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