Monday, January 2, 2017

Thank you for all the loves and support!

We had a two-days housewarming party to commemorate the completion of our new home, and they were great turn outs. It also acts as a reunion moment where everyone could get together again and catch up like old times, although most of the time we were running around bringing people around the house. Looking ahead, we would hopefully continue to invite people to our house in smaller groups and really spend time to bond once again.

Our catered foods for our friends and families. We had spread it out into a two-days event where our friends came the first and our families and relatives came the second. It would have been too packed should everyone came on the same day. Also, the BTOs nowadys had such slim corridors that it was rather difficult to have a catering without blocking the other residents. Really felt fortunate that our neighbours are all easy-going and accommodating towards each other, and we really hope our relationship would continue to remain peaceful. Shall organise movie nights and invite them over!

Really really thank you to all the loves and supports from our families, relatives, friends, colleagues, neighbours, brothers and sisters. We are overwhelmed with your generosity and sincerity and blessings. You all have truly made our house a home, and we are very grateful for that! Your kind gestures are greatly appreciated!

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

The Finale

Our renovation has officially ended a couple of months back, but we were still getting our stuffs ready, hanging up clocks and photos, setting up new gadgets and completing our home. With our housewarming party due the following week, we did a mini photoshoot of our house so that we could compare how much transformation the house has gone through. We have always seen others posting their before and after photos so we had made it a point to do it too, else it is too late once the walls starts coming down and the carpentry up. So for those that does visit this blog, here is the preview of our home....

The entrance, where we had sealed up the original door to the kitchen.

Our shoe cabinet which also concealed the unsightly bomb shelter door.

The view of our living room once we step into our home.

Here's the open concept kitchen as well as the entrance to it.

Presenting the deep-end sofa for us to lie down comfortably to enjoy our movies.

A custom made sword case as our tv console. And a plain wall behind it.

which transform to anything we want at a touch of a button.

Open-concept kitchen which we have not been cooking much.

and the other end of it with our service yard behind those doors.

The corridor splashed with maroon and the doors framed black.

Our recreational room where we work out and namaste.

keeping the room simple so that it could be anything we want next time.

Here's our study area where we get the work done.

Took down much of the walls to combine both rooms into one.

Bedroom cum study room cum walk in wardrobe.

Our platformed curb for our beauty sleep.

which opens up to store (and hide) our future belongings.

Our wardrobe which closed up the original door to the masterbed room.

and the other side of the wardrobe.

A little changes to the toilet, with the toilet bowl remaining constant.

and finally, how our vanity cabinet had enlarged to this.

This is home... truly...

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Touching up minor details

We have another clock up, this time at our dining area. Loving the classical feel of the roman numerals
Did some minor touch up to our living room track light. We usually keep this lights on during our movie time so that we could see what we are eating and not fiddle with our spoons in the dark. However, the track lights were too strong and overpowered the screen, turning it too orange-ly. So we cut some papers up to act as a filter, reducing the amount of lights to just sufficient only. It turns out great and we could now watch our movies while having our meals without compromising either.

Christmas is coming, time to get ready for it!

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Back from our Bridal Photoshoot in Taiwan

Just got back from our taiwan trip! It had been a great time with the massive shopping at the night markets and nature explorations. But the number #1 reason for our travel was the bridal photoshoot package which we had bought earlier this year. It was our first bridal photoshoot, and we were quite clueless with poses most of the time, but with the guidance from our photographer, the photos had turned out beautifully! Our package had also included a huge framed up canvas and we had carried it back all the way from Taiwan back to our humble home. How does it look? You have to come over to see it yourselves!

Friday, November 25, 2016

Quality does Matter - Bedhead Lights

Previously we had bought our LED strips from Qoo10 in our attempt to save some money considering that the whole package cost at least one-fifth of what the local lighting shops are selling at. Most of them were working fine, except our bedhead ones which burns out every 30min. We assessed the fault to lie with the adaptor, and suspected that it could have overheated in that enclosed cabinet. Regardless, it was quite disruptive having to off-on the switch again only to have it burn out again in 30min. Thinking it was a faulty adaptor, i ordered another adaptor from Qoo10, and that burned out in like 5min. Zzz.

So i decided to head down to my local lighting store to get their expensive adaptor which look like this, and it definitely feels better than those laptop-charger-like adaptors from the Qoo10 seller. At almost three-times the price, it better be good. Turns out, it did work, and the burn out issues did not happen again.

Now we could enjoy some proper ambiance lights at our bedroom without having it blackout every now and then. Fortunately though, the other adaptors for my LED strips at the kitchen and living room had no issues so far, but if they do burn out, I know the appropriate solution now.

My ID had also made a fitting box for the adaptor as it could not fit inside the bedhead. Not the ideal situation i have to say, but this does make it look better than having the adaptor exposed in this shelves. Hopefully, it does not cause it to overheat further.